About Us


About Us

SJ Switchgears Pvt. Ltd. is an economic entity which deals in developing and selling Low Tension Switchgears, motors & Submersible pumps for domestic, industrial & agricultural fields. We are based on the Silicon Valley of India and have managed to spread our network across the country in order to meet a wide clientele base. We also deal in all types of low-tension switch gears as per customer requirements.

Since our establishment in the year 1976, we have been dealing in switchgears which are the heart of the electrical system. We have learned about 25 years of work experience, the quality proven switchgear we manufacture, we will develop the quality of products. Our product range includes DOL Motor Starters, Star Delta Starters, Control Panels, Bakelite Spares, Spares & Moving Kits, Auto-Start Units, Single Phase Preventers, Star-Delta Panels, Compressor Mini Panels, Thermal Overload Relays, AC Contactors, No-Volt Coils etc

We have a team of highly experienced personnel, motivated by the quality seeking clients. We are equipped with state-of-the-art research and development and production systems in order to satisfy our customers. Most of our products have the affiliation of ISI (Indian Standards) Mark. We have gained ISO 9001: 2000 International quality standards certification from JAS-ANZ, accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand and recently gained ISO 9001:2015 from ICL. Our products have been tested and certified by CPRI (Central Power Research) CEIL (Certification of Engineers International Limited), ERDA (Electrical Research and Development Association), etc..